Sadovay-Kudrinskaya street, 25, 3rd floor, office 303, 123001
+7 (915) 113 55 15
Sculpture in the interior performs two main functions. First, it serves as a reflection of the inner world of its buyer. When you receive guests in your home, you can use just one object to tell about what kind of person you are: what is valuable to you, what meanings fascinate the mind, what is your perception of beauty. Secondly, the sculpture breathes life into the interior. It creates a special atmosphere and forms the semantic content of the space.
The complexity of choosing an object of art for the interior is that a person must not only choose a work that responds to his inner experience, but also take into account whether it will harmoniously fit into the environment.
The choice of authors and styles in our gallery is very diverse. We can pick up a work of art for almost any direction in interior design.
Here are some tips for integrating sculpture into an interior according to its style:
The classical interior is characterized by the installation of antique sculptures and busts of prominent personalities. The calm beauty of this space will go well with the smooth lines of Albert Avetissian's works. Their eroticism and the radiance of golden patina will act as a necessary accent. Also, if you want to place the image of a famous person in space, then you should turn to the sculptures of Aramare Vecchio. Famous ballerinas, politicians, literary heroes - in the sculpture gallery of this master you can find an interesting character.
The Provence style, of course, involves the introduction of more romantic images. Figurines of angels and idyllic shepherdesses are very suitable. An important rule is to install groups of small figurines, preferring them to one large sculpture, since the Provence style requires an atmosphere of comfort and intimacy. For such a case, our gallery has a whole series of works by Konstantin Grigoriev. The master skillfully combines bronze details with natural stone, capturing airy, dreamy, unobtrusively humorous scenes in his sculptures.
In a Russian style room you can use Gzhel technique, clay figurines and wooden dolls. However, bronze sculpture can also be integrated - the main thing is that it should correspond to the mood and plot in common with the motifs of ancient Russian fairy tales and epics.
The Oriental style is embodied by the figure of a bronze Buddha, bone figures of mythical creatures - dragons from ancient myths and legends. We recommend paying attention to the works of Maxim Vryasov. In the sculptural images of this author, the age-old traditions of Orthodox culture and the ancient Christian military worldview are aesthetically rethought.
If you prefer a minimalistic style, then you should opt for bronze and metal figures with smooth, laconic shapes. You can again turn to the work of Albert Avetissian or to some of the works of Arsen Avetissian. In addition, elegant sculptures by Semyon Zhokhov, as well as technological works by Gleb Kryukov, will perfectly fit into the modern style.
Here you shouldn't be afraid to experiment, because the choice of sculpture and interior decoration is your creative work. The main thing is not to overload the space.