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--- 2022-12-17

Sculpture in multiple sizes - is the value preserved?

Do sculptures created from existing works but changed in size are considered a piece of art? Do they lose their value? The question is complicated, but we will try to understand it. Let's talk at once: here we will talk about sculptures created by the author himself. Copying someone else's object of art, of course, is the subject of a special discussion.

How is a bronze sculpture created? Bronze sculpture is cast according to the form created by the author. The size of the shape is what the sculpture will be. Therefore, for each work, whether it repeats an existing plot or not, all stages of sculpture creation are preserved.


All the most important lies in the nuances. It is impossible to take an easel sculpture and put it on the city square by simply increasing it. In a monumental sculpture you should take into account the viewpoint, the distortion of the perspective, staging on a high pedestal. All these circumstances affect the shape. As well as when reducing the sculpture. It is necessary to proceed from its purpose, location. There should be clearer details in small works, because the easel sculpture can be viewed at least from a distance of a millimeter.


Such sculptures cannot be called author copies or replicas. This is a complete work of art, just repeating the plot with the author's corrections.

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Competition-festival “Ballet. Form & Bronze" 2023

Competition-festival “Ballet. Form & Bronze" 2023

Sculptures and rooms

A work of art, be it a painting, sculpture or an art object purchased for the home, must find its place in the room without violating the concept of general harmonization of space.

New sculptures from the projects “Golf. Game as Art”

Form & Bronze presents new sculptures by Aramare Vecchio “Charlie” and “Charlie the Tramp” from the Golf. Game as Art project.

Multiple art

One of the most popular questions we are asked is: Is this sculpture the only one?

Theater Of Arsen

Sculpture of this artist now already page in the history of skill. Page one-piece, finished and thoroughly edited by it by itself, even with the life.

How to make the interior relevant for a long time. Part 2

We continue our story about how to make your interior relevant and stylish for a long time.

Victory at "Art-Minsk-2023"

Andrey Belle and his sculpture "Impression of Freedom"

How is a bronze sculpture created?

Bronze is the oldest metal known to mankind.


The complexity of choosing an object of art for the interior is that a person must not only choose a work that responds to his inner experience, but also take into account whether it will harmoniously fit into the environment.

New sculpture by Aramare Vecchio

The flamenco dancer, who appears before the viewer at the peak of her smooth bend.

Other blog entries
Competition-festival “Ballet. Form & Bronze" 2023

Competition-festival “Ballet. Form & Bronze" 2023

Sculptures and rooms

A work of art, be it a painting, sculpture or an art object purchased for the home, must find its place in the room without violating the concept of general harmonization of space.

New sculptures from the projects “Golf. Game as Art”

Form & Bronze presents new sculptures by Aramare Vecchio “Charlie” and “Charlie the Tramp” from the Golf. Game as Art project.

Multiple art

One of the most popular questions we are asked is: Is this sculpture the only one?

Theater Of Arsen

Sculpture of this artist now already page in the history of skill. Page one-piece, finished and thoroughly edited by it by itself, even with the life.

How to make the interior relevant for a long time. Part 2

We continue our story about how to make your interior relevant and stylish for a long time.

Victory at "Art-Minsk-2023"

Andrey Belle and his sculpture "Impression of Freedom"

How is a bronze sculpture created?

Bronze is the oldest metal known to mankind.


The complexity of choosing an object of art for the interior is that a person must not only choose a work that responds to his inner experience, but also take into account whether it will harmoniously fit into the environment.

New sculpture by Aramare Vecchio

The flamenco dancer, who appears before the viewer at the peak of her smooth bend.


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+7 (915) 113 55 15

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Nevsky Prospekt, 57, Hotel "Corinthia St. Petersburg" 191025,
+7 (911) 932 11 53

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Corner of the Marriott Yerevan hotel building

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